With all the horrible things happening around the world, it never ceases to amaze me the tiny battles people choose to fight. I suppose I’m a big-picture kind of person, but why, when there is so much crime to fight and true wars of justice to be waged, are people still fighting over where homeless people get fed?

Westerners love a good cause. And if we told you the truth, we hate how political the world is becoming. You know how I know? Because we cheer on the underdogs who do good things especially when they are criticized by the government! We champion the values of old–morality, modesty, people doing good things because it’s in their nature to help others. It’s all about believing that there is still good in this world despite the evil we face everyday.

Arnold Abbot is 90 years old. 90! And he has been feeding the homeless on the beach in Fort Lauderdale for 8 years. He has no intention of hurting people, just feeding them. Instead, the government is treating the man like he’s breeding dogs at puppy mills or feeding the pigeons in Time Square (both of which are heinous crimes, might I add.) Seriously.


Picture found: http://eryounge.blogspot.com/

The mayor thinks that there shouldn’t be a hodge-podge approach to feeding people. But that they should go to designated feeding area where shelters have more resources to help those in need.

What’s the mayor afraid of? Homeless people on the beach? Encouraging homelessness by feeding hungry people? Not being able to count Arnold’s resources as part of his campaign for doing good in the city?

And you know what’s sad? The police will probably go snag an easy prey. Sure it’s a law and policemen are around to help keep the law. But it’s a ridiculous law that is too constrictive. Should the mayor support the law? Yes. However, he’s offending the consciences of the goodwilled people of the West. And that will be a mistake the voters don’t forget.

Pictures found on: http://eryounge.blogspot.com/

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