Am I just being negativeĀ or are events in this world more depressing than ever before? There’s a whole lot of bad news getting a majority of the attention and, quite frankly, that’s not my style. I think it’s important to talk about the issues and give them the concern they deserve. But I also find good to be refreshing. So aside from beautiful blue skies and sunshine today, I captured a silhouette of something I saw that was good. A family fishing for the afternoon. I’m not sure which ones takes more patience–fishing or fishing with a child.


My family was considered outdoorsy but in a different way. We’d go bike riding or play tennis instead of fishing. But either way, I think parents who are taking the time to train their kids to have the patience to fish are very admirable. I achieved that lesson by constantly surrendering the remote to my dad who wanted to watch golf. The world of excitement suffered a great loss when The Golf Channel was created. But hey–whatever makes you happy.

Happy Monday. What’s something good you found in your world today?

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