Not knowing anything about Game of Thrones, a picture of The Dark Hedges covered in snow was one of the first pictures I saw which made me immediately want to see the other locations. My sources say that the Stuart family planted the beech trees in the 18th century. The hedges are rumored to be haunted by a female ghost.


An Irish traffic jam

I’d love to see The Dark Hedges in the summertime but I think there’s something so commanding about their presence when all you can see are the limbs and branches prominently displayed. (I have great plans to turn one of the many Dark Hedges pictures into a canvas of black and white.)

All of the beech trees had countless carvings and dates on them

Further down the road of trees

Further down the road of trees

Check out pictures from Bishop’s Road and Downhill Beach.

Next stop: Cushendun Caves

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