First stop was Downhill Beach with an amazing view of Mussenden Temple. According to our tour guide Uncle James, Game of Thrones filmed a fight scene here. best part is that you can drive onto the beach to get good pictures. I’d seen the beach before from afar and viewed the temple up close, but hadn’t ever driven onto the beach. Glad we did! It was nice to have a new perspective to a previously seen location. If you’ve missed the part where a statue I hugged went missing, you can find the story from the start of the journey on Bishop’s Road here.


First glimpse coming down the hill


Downhill Beach with Mussenden Temple on the cliff


Perfect beach for filming. Naturally, no one is allowed on the beach when Game of Thrones films.


Downhill Beach to the left

Closer view of Mussenden Temple

Closer view of Mussenden Temple

Next stop: The Dark Hedges

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