As you can see on the map, I’ve been to quite a few of the states and most of those pins are thanks to my parents and the summer adventures they’d take us on. This year I really wanted to celebrate our anniversary in a way we hadn’t ever done. Sure the dinners and date nights are fun and don’t break the bank, but I wanted to go somewhere and do something that my husband and I love to do together–explore. And since Australia wasn’t an option for us, we went a little closer to home although 10 hours of driving isn’t necessarily considered close.

Downtown there are a couple of parks that give you a breath of peace in the middle of city chaos.

Downtown there are a couple of parks that give you a breath of peace in the middle of city chaos.

We didn’t plan our trip out but a couple weeks in advance. I drove to where my husband was working in Rhode Island. When he got off work, he and I drove to Cape Cod and up to Boston for a couple days. I don’t know if it’s because I married a European, but similar to Vancouver, BC, Boston has a very European feel. It might be the age, the history, the occasional cobblestone streets, or the food options. But whatever it is, I loved it.


Old State House: the site of the Boston Massacre where 5 people died. Also, the balcony where the Declaration of Independence was first read from.

This beautiful tower is now owned by Marriott

This beautiful tower is now owned by Marriott


The Quincy Market is the first site dedicated to commerce in Boston. All the vendors came and peddled their wares in one place. Behind it you can see the white tower of Faneuil Hall.

Faneuil Hall-- a marketplace and meeting space since it was built in 1742

Faneuil Hall– a marketplace and meeting space since it was built in 1742

One of my favorite pictures of the trip. The massive flag and the harbor out behind it. So beautiful.

One of my favorite pictures of the trip. The massive flag and the harbor out behind it. So beautiful.


We drove right past this in Quincy, MA and didn’t think anything of it (except that it had a fancy sign) until we read “Original Location”. It’s still owned and operated by the family that started it all.

We played tourist for a day and paid for the walking tour of part of the Freedom Trail which started at Faneuil Hall. Yes, there is literally a trail that snakes throughout the city and takes you past a ton of historical sites.

A beautiful tribute to the Latin School that once stood there

A beautiful tribute to the Latin School that once stood there


The back side of the King’s Chapel. The statue of Ben Franklin marks the site of the very first public school in the USA which is still a school by the way and very prestigious at that.

Across the street from the school and chapel is the Omni Parker House where the Boston Cream Pie was first created. So we bought one even though it was like $8. It's all about the experience right?

Across the street from the school and chapel is the Omni Parker House where the Boston Cream Pie was first created. So we bought one even though it was like $8. It’s all about the experience right?

I apparently bring cold weather with me whenever I go on vacation because I was wearing 4 layers and just barely staying warm enough. It pays to bring a jacket, pants, and socks and shoes with you just in case, whenever you go up north.

Paul Revere's house

Paul Revere’s house is right smack in the middle of Little Italy in Boston. Wow. It smells absolutely heavenly walking up to the house. Italian restaurants, stores, and writing is everywhere around the house!

One if by land. Two if by sea. The church that hosted the candles. And a lovely statue of Paul Revere even though he didn't actually finish his midnight ride like some historians say he did.

One if by land. Two if by sea. The church that hosted the candles. And a lovely statue of Paul Revere even though he didn’t actually finish his midnight ride like some historians say he did.


The oldest tavern in America. Green Dragon Pub established in 1654


I’ll confess. Originally we took pictures of the nice white headstone off to the left. Then we realized the little gray stone to the right said “Revere” on it and was definitely his actual grave marker instead. Total tourist move.


The grave marker of Sam Adams who is buried in the same cemetery as John Hancock and Paul Revere and Ben Franklin’s parents.


The “new” state house which differentiates it from the one where the Boston Massacre happened. It is pretty still and sits on the hill which overlooks the Boston Commons area which is a big ole park.


We took a water taxi from Weymouth into Boston Harbor. This is the view out at sunset. The water taxi is an excellent way to avoid commuter traffic and be stress free all at the same time.

The picture you saw at the very top of the page is a picture we took from Weymouth, MA where we stayed at a lovely Airbnb place (feel free to contact me if you want to know about our Airbnb experience). The park up the hill from place had the most magnificent sunset pictures of the water and the Boston skyline. We were so grateful that the sky cleared so we could see it! My pictures from Plymouth and Cape Cod are up.

And a very happy 5 year anniversary to my favorite adventure buddy, my husband Matt. Here’s to 50 more years of doing life together and finding adventure wherever we go.

matt and I

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