Ah yes, Austria where “my heart wants to sing every song it hears.”

I didn’t spend a lot of time touring the city of Vienna because I was with a bunch of music fanatics and we had to see Joseph Haydn’s dwelling place (if you don’t believe me, see below). But we did spend a few days in Austria (oder Oesterreich).

Here’s what I love about Austria:

1. They speak German

2. Cities (especially Vienna) are really clean

3. The food is pretty typically European

4. The weather in the summer was so awesome. Not humid or overly hot.

5. And of course the drop-dead gorgeous scenery, thanks to the Alps.

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Austria 1  

Austria 3

As with most cities in Europe, you won’t find the same amount of car carnage in the streets. Could be because you have to pay to park everywhere in the city. But the amazing respect that people who live near mountains have of the environment is so refreshing. Car? Why do you need a car? You can walk. Or take the bus. Or hop on the train. Very few struggles with obesity which is surprising if you believe all the medical reports that hail bread as food of the devil. Bad carbs. Except some of the healthiest nations eat carbs regularly… you have to wonder. Anyway, I digress.

And while you’re walking around, just remember you are walking along streets that have been around for a really really really long time. Then again, that’s a constant reminder in Europe isn’t it? You’re always aware of the history of how truly old those buildings are in front of you. There are hundreds of castles and castle ruins to explore too.

Another thing I love about Austria is their patriotism. They love their football teams. They love their country and prefer you not insult them by saying they are basically Germans (let’s also recall that Hitler tried to make them German.) Eat the wiener schnitzel, the awesome breads and jams, the amazing coffees and delicious cheese. You will not be disappointed (unless you are allergic.)

I will leave you with these words from the famed Julie Andrews when she visited Austria: “The hills are alive with the sound of music.”

Just in case you didn’t believe that I went to see where Joseph Haydn lived. Here’s the bed he was born in. Yes, I know I will wait all day for you to have one inkling of interest.

Austria 8

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