Coca-Cola’s Grasp at Straws

Coca-Cola’s Grasp at Straws

As far as Europe’s food quality goes, it’s skyscrapers above the rest of the western world in that there are no GMO’s allowed. The trend is catching on in the US and in the UK, but not fast enough. Large companies looking to control the world’s...

British Sweets to Try

In honor of the coming ban of real British-imported chocolate (thanks to Hershey’s who insists we eat their un-tasty wax substitute–see article), I thought it’d be good to know the classic British sweets (i.e. candy.)  And if you’re not okay...

Why Do British Spell Differently?

Americans are prone to believe that, although we didn’t create it, we did master the English language. Anglophenia has an explanation. Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditPinterestTumblrEmailPrintLike this:Like...
New Zealand Votes to Change Flag

New Zealand Votes to Change Flag

Since 1902, New Zealand has had its current flag to symbolize their nation. Adopted around the time of the South African War, New Zealand’s 1902 version replaced the Union Jack that was being flown over the country since the mid-1800s. These days New Zealand is...
Harry Potter Is Not For Juveniles

Harry Potter Is Not For Juveniles

Have you ever gotten so excited about learning a new language that you went out and decided to plunge in immersion style? You really wanted to learn Chinese so you went to China-town and sat in a sushi bar for hours trying to make some sense of what people are saying...

Banned Dog Breeds Across the World

A recent news article sparked my interest in banned dog breeds across the world. While the US doesn’t have a country-wide breed ban in place, a lot of countries do. Canada, for example, is considering law but only has laws on a province-by-province basis. Below...
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