My Blog

The Dispersion of European Language

I find language fascinating. The morphing of words into a comprehensible identifier of objects or feelings and the subsequent dissection of that art is stunning. How did it come about? Sure most languages of the world have a similar base language, but who walked away...

Propaganda Poster from WWII

The government's been trying to get people to carpool for years. I'm grateful that these propaganda posters are no longer used. Although upon seeing it, you certainly do want to check that empty seat next to you...

Names of Clothing: British vs American

One thing I love about cultures is the differences in language. It's always so confounding when we stumble across a word that we recognize but used to identify a completely different idea or item. Clothing is my favorite. I mean what American woman wouldn't be...

Australia Offers Free WiFi at a Cost

Australia Offers Free WiFi at a Cost

There's something so enticing about free things. From samples at Costco to dinner at Chick-fil-a to bookmarkers at a fair, if someone is willing to give us something good we'll take it. I have to dress up like a cow to get a free dinner? **shrug** Okay. Free anything...

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Isn’t a Thing in Ireland

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Isn’t a Thing in Ireland

Sometime in the first couple of years of my relationship with my Irish-born husband, the topic of St. Patrick's Day was addressed. In my mind, St. Patrick's Day was the Mardi Gras/Cinco de Mayo Day of all Irish people. It was a celebration of culture, heritage, and...

Hire Evil Clowns to Stalk Your Children

In a move the Ringling Brothers wish they'd created, Dominic Deville (in the above picture--picture removed due to potentially frightening away readers) launched a heart-stopping venture in Lucerne, Switzerland. His mission: to scare children as their birthday treat....

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