My Blog

New Zealand Votes to Change Flag

New Zealand Votes to Change Flag

Since 1902, New Zealand has had its current flag to symbolize their nation. Adopted around the time of the South African War, New Zealand's 1902 version replaced the Union Jack that was being flown over the country since the mid-1800s. These days New Zealand is no...

Harry Potter Is Not For Juveniles

Harry Potter Is Not For Juveniles

Have you ever gotten so excited about learning a new language that you went out and decided to plunge in immersion style? You really wanted to learn Chinese so you went to China-town and sat in a sushi bar for hours trying to make some sense of what people are saying...

4 Reasons Not to Stop Flights From West Africa

4 Reasons Not to Stop Flights From West Africa

While boarding an international flight, I've often eyed others wondering what type of infectious diseases they carried that could be passed on to me in the space of an 8-hour flight complete with recycled air. Paranoid? Absolutely. But you know the kind I'm talking...

New Orleans Beignets

New Orleans Beignets

Cafe du Monde is world famous for their French beignets. Beignet means doughnut in French. It's fried dough covered in powdered sugar. When we first sat down at Cafe du Monde, we were unimpressed with the lack of menu. It's not your typical cafe. All Cafe du Monde...

A Lovely Afternoon in New Orleans

Can we all just pause for a moment and realize that Katrina was in 2005... almost 10 years ago!!! Yet there are still obvious reminders of the devastation that rocked New Orleans's world. Trees are bent. Roofs are patched. Water lines are still visible on some...

Banned Dog Breeds Across the World

A recent news article sparked my interest in banned dog breeds across the world. While the US doesn't have a country-wide breed ban in place, a lot of countries do. Canada, for example, is considering law but only has laws on a province-by-province basis. Below are a...

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