The drive from The Dark Hedges to Cushendun Caves was a significant undertaking, especially in the snowy and icy conditions. But, alas, our fearless driver handled each hairpin turn with mastery delivering us to our destination with ease. Apparently Cushendun is quite the vacation destination in the summer. In the winter, it’s deserted.

A goat was the last animal to be culled in the foot and mouth outbreak in 2001. So in memory a statue was made and now a goat grazes in a hi-vis vest along the river front.

The cave entrances. The right cave has a gate at the other end because it leads to a secluded house tucked in the hills. So technically, their driveway is a cave much like Batman.

We walked through one of the caves balancing on rocks so we wouldn’t sink into the mud. This is the view from the opposite side of the cave.
Check out Bishop’s Road, Downhill Beach, and The Dark Hedges.
Next stop: Ballintoy Harbor